Monday, May 14, 2012

Bye gluten. It was a good gluten.

So, I used to have a laptop. After some poopheads without any morals decided they deserved it more, I've been trying to assess whether it actually needs replacing. I really liked being able to look up my homework assignments, crochet patterns, and funny internet videos (oooohhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!) without getting up from the couch. While I don't want the thieves to "win," I am also almost finished with school, and my smart phone pretty much covers everything else.
I'm trying to make this assessment with everything in my life, if I can't think of an immediate use, it's donated, recycled, or reused for another purpose. It's a slow process, but I'm a busy girl.
When I discovered gluten was the likely culprit of my health troubles, I had a pretty hard time letting go of some of my favorite foods without so much as a goodbye. Walking down the cereal aisle still gets a little overwhelming at times. My first accidentally on purpose gluten ingestion after my elimination diet was a granola bar. I justified it because I had skipped breakfast and it was the only food I had at work. I thought the lack of hunger would compensate for any pains I had. It didn't.
So, this assessment was pretty easy but extremely emotional at the same time. I never thought about food ingredients before and I love pasta, cookies, granola, Twizzlers, Non-Gluten-Free Rice Krispies...but I also love going on walks, discovering new foods, migraine-less days, waking up refreshed, and the overall increased quality of life I've gained.
I might get a new laptop, I might never clean out my craft corner, but I will never go back to eating something so detrimental to my health simply because my tummy's a little rumbly or because I reaaaallllllly like Faraci's pizza.

If anyone reading this (do I have any readers?) is having difficulty giving up a certain food, or anything for that matter, I highly suggest giving it up even just for a week. The benefits could be astoundingly life-changing.


  1. I convinced jermaine to give up soda/other sugary drinks and only drink water for two weeks. I am hoping he continues the soda free lifestyle after the two weeks are over. Yay, so happy you are blogging!

  2. Oh man! If I had known I could have given him my spiel Friday night. My best friend once suggested I should be a doctor because I told her to drink water instead of Mountain Dew for UTIs.

  3. I read real good. You un-gluten real good too.
