Thursday, May 31, 2012

Terrible timing.

I sure did choose the wrong time to try writing on a regular basis.
Two weeks ago I awoke to a cold smacking me in the face and slept quite a bit in an attempt to make the most of my LAST TWO WEEKS of my then job! Friday was my last day working a job that I clearly didn't have a future in. Starting Monday, I will have a job that is not the end of the line on my career train, but it definitely on track. I couldn't be more nervous.
So, with this new job some new habits are essential. I am going to have a more regular meal plan for myself. I used to have a 32 mile commute to a location where Thai food was my only option should I forget to bring something. I wasn't complaining about my options, Thai food is amazing and I'm so glad it's mostly gluten-free. But now I'll have a 13 mile commute to an area riddled with gluteny options. So, this tells me I have more time and a greater need for planning ahead. Ugh. Fine.
For those who know me, asking me to plan ahead is like pulling teeth. Ha, I wasn't even trying to allude to this, but I happened to have three smart teeth pulled this week and am doing fine. So I guess this whole lunch thing should be easy.
I also realized my list of excuses for not working out have been completely depleted. When I feel better, when this semester's over, and when I have a shorter commute have all been checked off the list. So starting next week, I will be working out 3 to 5 times a week, eating healthy, non-curry lunches, and I will be better about writing on a regular basis. This is really going to test my lazy level.

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