Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Firsts and nothings

I'm about to do something I've never done on this blog before....post a picture! I'm pretty sure all three of my readers have seen it already, but I'm just so dang happy about it.
I'm officially spoken for! Although, that was true before too, I just have two new rings now! 

Anywho, I've been struggling with where I want to take this blog. I originally thought I would chronicle my gluten free adventures, but I'm still pretty boring with my food choices. I've also been finding some beef I have with the gluten-free community and thought about posting my rebuttal to some particularly bothersome blog posts I've read recently. I think this may be something I do in the future, but I don't want to just bitch. I want to explain the other side, explain why it's ok to wallow in self-pity sometimes. I've also been brewing up a writing about why you gluten-eaters don't have to pity me for quite some time. Unfortunately, school just started and I'm putting off some Real Analysis just to type this halfhearted post. 
So, my few, beautiful readers, you get to be my guinea pigs. I'm just going to keep throwing stuff out there once a month or so until something sticks. I know I have great things to say about becoming and being gluten-free, I just don't know what they are yet.

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